Advertisement Bass Fishing Videos– Open to All Members

I know some of you have made your own fishing videos. Now that the new video upload service is running, how about a contest for members to pick the best fishing video uploaded by one of you within the next two weeks?

Contest starts now and runs until Sunday, November 30, 2008 at midnight. If multiple videos are uploaded, a panel of judges will vote on the top 3 for the rest of you to vote from to choose the final top video winner!

Let’s make these fishing-related videos – you don’t have to actually catch a fish, but at least show some fishing action or talk about fishing on the water. It doesn’t have to be from this year if you have an older video you like. Your video does have to be uploaded to the Fishing Video Service to be eligible. No Youtube or other links please.

Upload your video and make a post here on the forum Contests boardannouncing when you uploaded the video and the title of it.

Anyone can browse fishing videos in the order they’ve been uploaded using our browse page.

The winning member will receive:
1 – Versus Country camo hat
1 – set Flip Clips
1 – package Case Plastic’s NEW salt injected 5″ Magic Slim Stik in Pearl Hologram
1 – t-shirt of your choice from our apparel store

Let’s give a 2nd place prize too – also 1 – t-shirt of your choice from our apparel store

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