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Dressing the part

Started by McCarter, November 07, 2007, 08:58:50 AM

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How do the rest of you feel about wearing logo clothing to represent the companies and products that you use and love?  Im not talking about tournament/pro shirts.  I mean like t shirts, hats, sweatshirts with mercury, stren, berkley, lucky craft, whatever logos on them?  I have a few shirts that i really like to wear whenever possible.  I have a Ranger T shirt that i bought brand new on ebay for $4.00 plus s&h, a T shirt that i still wear religiously to 80% of the tournaments i fish even though i have since grown way out of it ( it kinda looks like a christmas ham stuffed into a make up bag when i wear it ), even some bass pro shops shirts.

I am always looking for shirts, especially long sleeve t shirts and hoodies with my favorite company logos on them to wear on the water and around town.  Problem is, i either cant find them, or find them and dont like them, or find them and love them but would never spend $40 for a t shirt.  I have found a couple websites that have some sweet shirts that i am going to buy once i get some cash but was wondering if anyone else has looked, or is interested, or has found sites i dont know about.

I found a sweet Jackall Bros Long sleeve t shirt on but they dont have x-large.  The size jumps from med to 2XL.

The mercury store has some stuff i want to get but not exactly what im looking for.

[REMOVED - see No Links Policy List] has some decent shirts on there site as well.

I just got an email back today from pure fishing with a link to the best site i have found so far for logo apparel.  I wanted to get an Abu Garcia shirt since falling in love with the Revo series and have been looking for a while.  They sent me a link to there apparel site where i can customize the shirt i want by color and logo.  Its pretty sweet.  And very inexpensive.

But i am still looking for some other stuff.  Different stuff to mix it up a bit.  Gamakatsu or Mustad shirts would be sweet.  Seaguar shirt would be nice, zoom or strike king.  whatever.  Am i the only one?

McCarter himself :-\'


About every single time I'm out fishing I'm wearing some kind of product shirt, jacket, or hat.  I got a hoodie from Quantum for $5 that I wear a lot because it's such a heavy material.

I got a Gamakatsu hat a couple of months ago because they had a selection of fishing product hats at Walmart for $5.  I was surprised.  Now whenever I'm in a Walmart, I go take a look at the hats in the sporting goods section.

I have a Pfleuger hat I got for free when I bought a reel that wear quite often as well.  Of course, I can always be seen in my BassCat jacket which is one of the best jackets I own.  I don't think I'd ever pay the $100+ dollars for it if I needed a new one, but I do like it.  So I guess my answer is "no, you're not the only one".  I like wearing logo stuff because I like to support the products I'm a believer in.  But I won't pay a ton of money to do it because in the end it is free advertising for them.  Sometimes I think BPS should give away t-shirts with purchases over a certain dollar amount... then I'd probably own more BPS related stuff.
Tom  <><

More about me:


Lets hear some more from people on this topic. I try to be careful what I wear to not cause conflicts (I'm far from perfect) but I like free as much as the next person so I don't buy a lot of 'advertising.' I'd love to give everyone here a free hat or t-shirt myself, but I don't have the budget of the big boys yet. Maybe some day.

I would like to know more about what people are looking for. And it is okay to talk about products on here in a constructive manner - I think companies might get some useful feedback out of honest and impersonal comments - as long as we are always aware that sometimes, one person's 'bad' product is often another person's pet product. Those interchanges can go bad and often do on public forums.

It's all in how we handle it and communicate with each other. Maturity, respect and honesty can help make thinks more interesting and productive. This includes the ability to accept other peoples' opinions in the proper way, not always easy to do. Sometimes, problems with a product will add to the value of the forum, and help, and other times, nothing will be added or gained by talking about certain problems. Maybe not clear or easy to know what that says?

An example, if you are someone who thinks that any bass boat should be able to hold together on the Great Lakes while ALWAYS running full out or near, I'm not going to think you are adding to the boat companies' product by saying its a piece of crap because it fell apart in a year. I'm going to think you are unrealistic and abusive to your boat. There are realistic expectations and unrealistic.

If I do see something that I'm not happy with (or one of the moderators do) it may just be that I feel it will lead to unproductive bickering and hard feelings, and/or put at some possible legal liability, which I can't afford. In general, all of you are pretty good people with a great deal of maturity and respect for each other - thanks!

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.

Team houston

I will wear almost anything fishing related. I have Shimano and Mustad hats and love both products. I wear Mercury, Yamaha and Evinrude shirts without guilt even though I own a Merc. I have a very old Trilene shirt that I wear even though I use 75% Seaguar now. Would love one of their shirts. I have a BFL league shirt with BF Goodrich on the back. I just got an NBAA shirt at one of their last tournys that I wear even though I am not a member. I have a Bass pro shops sweatshirt I got for Christmas. I have a Ranger jacket( Dan has the same one) that I wear occasionally. I am sure there is more that I can't remember. Generally if it's free I will wear it. I would like to have shirts from Shimano,Yamamoto,Seaguar,P-line, and Gamakatsu.


I have a ton of product related clothing items I wear.  I do most of my local shopping at Gander Mountain.  I probably have half a dozen or more of their fishing t-shirts, 3 or 4 ball caps, my rain gear is Guide Series, my waders are Guide Series, and I also use several of their rods.  So I feel I should wear some of their stuff because I do use a lot of their products.  My favorite hat these days is from St. Croix... and I wear it to nearly every tournament I fish.  I also have about a half dozen BPS shirts... I buy one or two of their on sale t-shirts every time I'm there.  Have a couple of their hats that I got for free but never wear.  Funny though, I shop Cabelas on line a lot but have not really seen any stuff of theirs I'd really go out of my way to wear.  I also have a Garry Yamamoto Custom Baits pocket t-shirt I wear to a few tournies a year... usually as a "team" shirt with my 16 year old partner who has one in a different color.  I fish about 15-18 local tournies with this young man, and I'm going to get us team shirts for next season. I've already got a few "sponsors" to give me patches to sew on them.
Addicted to fishing.  All the time, any species, anywhere!!  Especially in West Michigan!!!


I have quite a few t-shirts and hats that have fishing related logos on them...I wish that more companies would give out the Golf style shirts...They look better and probably aren't that much more money.
I see nothing wrong with wearing Logo apparel..I have done it since I was a kid in many sports...
As far as the tourney shirts go....There is nothing wrong with trying to look professional during an event.  I would much rather see a kid step up to the weigh-in in a nice tourney shirt than some dingy old wife beater...


Im waiting for the Greatlakesbass .com tournament shirts id pay for that .hint hint and Dan did you enter the flw detroit tourney for 2008 ?jay


While I have my share of logo stuff, when it comes to shirts and jacket's I don't care for really obtrusive stuff.  I like shirts that have maybe a small, discreet logo (single color preferrably) on the chest and maybe something bigger on the back.  I'm a bit picky on colors too.  I almost exclusively wear neutral colors - greys, olive, etc. I have alot of freebie t-shirts that either sit in my shirt drawer, get donated to goodwill, or I give away to my dad if he wants them.  I don't mind a subtle endorsement of a product, but I don't like feeling like a walking billboard, either.

Hat's, on the other hand... I don't think I own a hat without some sort of fishing product logo - most of them say Ranger Boats or St. Croix. 

I recently had to buy a new rainsuit because the 10 year-old BPS 100MPH suit was getting worn out.  I always disliked the big bright BPS patch and "100MPH" graphics on the old suit.  I like the fact that Cabela's logos blend in with the colors of the jacket, but that's just me and not why I decided to go with the Guidewear instead of BPS.

Other than that, I have a Ranger Boats leather jacket that I got for free when I bought my boat which  I'll wear in spring and fall.   Once it gets cold enough, I break out Navy Pea Coat (best coats I've ever owned) or the ski parka if I'm doing something active.


Mccarter, thanks for the link to that site, it's just what I've been looking for. I don't have any fishing related shirts of any kind and have been looking for tournament shirts that I could afford. The only fishing related gear I have are the Ranger hats I got from fishing the Stren tournaments and the one from the Regional. I was just wearing plain, solid colored tee's during my tournament season last year. It's been my experiance that the clothes you wear during competition directly effects how you perform, and how confident you feel in your abilities. Back in the late 80's, early 90's, I was a part time touring professional bowler before arthritis ended any thoughts of going full time. I felt like crap during my practice time, but when I put on the "clothes" for tournament time, I felt like I could beat the world. Dress for success, look the part, it'll change the way you feel and perform. Just my humble opinion.


Several of my t-shirts and hats have fishing related logos on them.  I am happy to wear stuff that I like but I don't typically wear Gander, BPS or Cabela's stuff.  I spend enough money at those stores on stuff on use, I am not going to pay to advertise them.  I found my favorite Gamakatsu hat a Wal-Mart a couple years ago and I wish I would have bought several of them.  The only reason I stop a Wal-Mart is look for fishing hats.  I love to fish and I don't mind promoting my passion on and off the water.

Tournament shirts are great but it can be hard to find shirts that aren't to expensive or made from fabric that doesn't suck.  The shirt I had 2 years ago was uncomfortable to wear it was so hot.  I have found a much better source for shirts last year, if anyone is interested let me know.

Cyrus Ruel

West Michigan Bass

Xtreme Bass Tackle


Westside Garage


Quote from: j690 on November 07, 2007, 04:09:43 PM
Im waiting for the Greatlakesbass .com tournament shirts id pay for that .hint hint and Dan did you enter the flw detroit tourney for 2008 ?jay

I believe you've mentioned that before and I appreciate the interest. The overall demand isn't high enough unfortunately to do something about it yet. I never rule anything out. I was going to experiment with some samples during 2007, but gas prices pretty much creamed my 'experimenting budget' so maybe 2008... although gas prices lately arent too encouraging, are they?

I don't know if I will actually fish the FLW. I thought about maybe going as a co-angler. I've never done that yet. I will be involved regardless, probably as a TBF volunteer and/or as media again more this time for the web. Those activities (more than concern about the off limits) might dictate not adding the pressure of fishing it. You never know though... anymore, I just take things as they come along, and change, and change again :)

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.

Skip Johnson

heres my 2 cents worth.
I think tourney shirts and smart dressing represent us better in the public eye rather than a bunch of tired guys wearing wife beaters or old beat up favorite fishing shirts BUT******
I would never wear or promote a product that Im not being paid to promote and I dont mean getting product at a discounted price either, Bass fishing is a sport and that makes us athletes and us athletes have to pay to play  :o

you dont see athletes in other telivised sports paying to play... nope they get paid to be there in most cases wether they win or lose and sponsers pay them to wear and promote their product!
look at the investments we all make, we buy boats tow vehicles and equiptment totaling near or above $100k then we pay huge entry fees with 65% or less payback and 75% or more of the participants walk away thousands of dollors behind, hmmmm somethings wrong here guys!!!!!
as long as all these patch pirates keep giving free advertising were never going to get paid to play in the sport of fishing unless your one of the rich or very fortunate.
look at other athletes and tv shows when they use a product that their not being paid to promote they cover up the logo....yet fisherman are running all over the country showing logos that they usualy had to pay for.... smart on the corporate end but where does that leave the fisherman ::)

All these brand name corporate sponsers with millions of dollors paying FLW  B.A.S.S. ABA and other tournament organizations to promote theyre logos and we still only get 65% or less pay back ???
wheres all that sponser money going?
why are our paybacks not increasing since the organizers obviousley are now making money from sponsers and not just from our entries?
then we promote their logos for free ???
have you heard the phrase a fool and theyre money are soon parted? well my oppinion is there is a bunch of desperate fools out there that want to make a living soo bad in the fishing industry that they want to look the part so they PAY for shirts or wear free hats and all these big name corporations are getting free advertising hmmmm again whos the smart one and who's the fool ::) do you think that wearing and promoting a product will get you money? nope not a dime unless your in theyre program and lets face it 99% of the patch wearing guys/gals are not part of any program!

now that there is $$$ in fishing with telivision and media coverage alot more of us could make a living fishing and promoting if we all banded together and stopped giving free advertising.

In 2006 I had a reel company offer me a pro staff position, the deal was I had to use just their reels, I had to work 3 fishing shows a year and would get paid $150 a day to do so***BUT*** I had to pay for the reels at a 40% discount and they were generous enough to sell me my tourney shirt with theyre logo at a 40% discount as well :o
the reels retail price was $249 but they would sell me the reel at $150 ??? I keep 16 reels in my boat so 16 x $150 = $2400 to be on their pro staff :o
I didnt do it but someone in this state did, it proves that their is a bunch of dumb guys in this sport and we need to smarten up!

by the way Im not refering to shirts like Im refering to the million dollor corporate logos.
Dan I will wear your shirt anytime ;D
Go Big or Go Home!


I think I have 4 Ranger shirts i got for christmas and some shirts from the Fishing Friends event.  That's about it for me.  No stickers on the truck other than the  75.00 dollars worth of access stickers on the windshield. 

I did hear a rumor that " Nemisis Baits " is going to be offering free jackets, hats, rain suits and tackle,  even some wrapped boats and trucks to  local fishermen next year.  Hope I get on the list.


Quote from: dartag on November 08, 2007, 08:29:40 AM
I think I have 4 Ranger shirts i got for christmas and some shirts from the Fishing Friends event.  That's about it for me.  No stickers on the truck other than the  75.00 dollars worth of access stickers on the windshield. 

I did hear a rumor that " Nemisis Baits " is going to be offering free jackets, hats, rain suits and tackle,  even some wrapped boats and trucks to  local fishermen next year.  Hope I get on the list.
Anyone who lends their boat to the President/CEO of Nemisis Baits automatically gets a free boat wrap...wrapped in seaweed, wrapped in MegaStrike, wrapped in Suntan lotion...LOL...


you forgot used Kodiak chew bits


Lets try to remember these are our opinions and people can disagree on how to approach this situation. I don't think it helps to call anyone dumb or a fool. I definitely don't like the term 'patch pirate' - never have.

It has been said before on here that some people wear logowear because it makes them feel more professional and boosts their confidence. I would never find fault with that.

Different people, different opinions. Some people in the industry seem to expect you to show loyalty by promoting their products and working your way up... and that works fine for some anglers. Again, I will not fault them for that.

I can't afford a 'sponsorship' either that requires me to spend several thousand dollars to switch allegiances. BUT that works for some people and may be the only thing available from many companies at the lower ends of sponsorship. I sure would like it to be different, but again will not fault someone who chooses to go this route.

Maybe it makes perfect sense for another person because that person just wants to use and will use brand x anyway, so why not get a discount in exchange for talking about the product. Some people LIKE to work fishing shows and seminars. I won't fault them for that.

I like to work some shows and seminars. I don't always get a bunch of stuff free. Technically, I'm a 'patch pirate' too depending on who you ask, but I don't care what other people think about it. I'm doing what seems best for me and what seems to meet my needs best from what is available. I don't pick up everything that comes along and I don't put every 'patch' someone gives me on my clothing.

I definitely have promoted and talked about products before that I was getting little or nothing from BECAUSE I hoped to work my way into a targeted company (on my list so to speak). It is pretty common for people just getting started to feel their way along and I try to help them with information when I can, but I will not say they are dumb or a fool. That doesn't help - that just alienates in my opinion.

I will never forget the first time I had my first name and a BASS patch put on a polo shirt. I felt pretty good about it the very first big ole federation tournament that year. I felt I was getting into something and it might lead to who knows where... but the possibilities seemed infinite to a 20 year old. What I also remember is an older tournament angler who had some success making fun of me to his buddies.

I felt pretty bad for a time. Instead of concetrating on the fishing, I was worrying that maybe I looked like fool to the experienced anglers I wanted to impress and get to know. Luckily, my mother gave me enough faith in myself and enough truth about some people in the world that I got over most of the incident well enough to do my best in the event, realizing that some people are just that way.

I will tell you now, I have never forgotten that incident though and never will, first impressions being what they are. Later, after I had a hot streak of success, suddenly this same person is acting like my best new buddy... but I've never forgotten and I've seen with both eyes open, the person never really changed by his behavior to other new anglers.

I would like to use to provide information - to help people become better anglers and better people through example and reinforcing information. Part of that has to involve recognizing there are different opinions and different desires, and that I don't corner the market in them anymore than anyone else does. I will state my opinions, sure. I always have. But not in a manner that makes it seem like I'm saying my way is the only way.

That being said, I truly do value that so many persons participate here and are supportive. It is one of the true bright spots in my every day. I'm sure there are ways we can use mediums such as to work for improvements in the industry to help more of us find what we are each seeking.

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


You guys are talking about this Nemisis joker and all you find on your boat, but there is no mention of fish slime.  Does that mean no fish get put in the boat or what?

Skip Johnson

nahhh that nemisis guy can catch fish he just waits till the 100% payback tournaments to do it....that he runs ::)

Hi Brian :-*
Go Big or Go Home!


Thats it! Your all off my Christmas buying list. 

Skip Johnson

you dont have to buy us gifts just make us a bunch of nemisis goody bags ;D
Go Big or Go Home!

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