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Bass Books and a little bit about me.....

Started by Bulletproof, January 09, 2006, 10:57:22 PM

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Okay since were sorta on the topic of information sources I have another parasitic request--our there any hallmark/cardinal books out there that really give a definitive objective overview of bass in general?  I'm open to any kind of book really but something with a little substance! U guys know what im talking about a book u buy, read cover to cover immediately, then again several times later.  and then retire it to the glory section of your collection!  if thats possible, many of these so called books i have used are no longer attached to thier binding and stained with blood, pizza sauce, whatever.

I ask this because I'm relatively new to this bass scene.  I have fished alll my life, but have just recently gotten into competitve bass fishing(last 2 years) and i'm hooked to say the least.  Throughout my college years I found myself dedicated to cold water fishing, in particular fly fishing all species from trout(steelhead) and salmon.  I spent an estimated 9-10 years intensively pursuing this avenue or genre of fishing.  I ate, slept and shat fly fishing, probably an unhealhty obession I assume.  I became quite good(IMO, lol) and fished the entire great lakes region for steelhead.  I chased trout all over the country and always went to montana at least 1 time a year for about 2 weeks exploring the wonderful tailwater fisheries.  I soaked up every tidbit of info out there on trout, fly fishing, steelhead etc and have a fairly extensive book collection to show for it.  It seems to me that fly fishing literature is more abundant than that of bass, i could be wrong though as far as books are concerned.  maybe im not looking in the right places or havent looked hard enough yet.

Last year i had to sell my first bass rig-- a triton tr-19 loaded to the gills that i traveled all the way to lake champlain to pick up.  it was all down hill from there or up maybe.  i became a bass sponge and would consider my self still at the cutting teeth stages of this great pursuit.  last year before the sale of my boat i competed in every local tournament i could possibly fish, i placed in modest positions had a few top 20 and a couple top tens in singles and team events.
I had to sell my boat because i had to quit my line of work i was currently in.  I'm now finishing up a teaching degree here at svsu so i can equally divide my time between fishing and family.  the other way was too hard in my opinion(work, family and fishing) and i look forward to having  a large part of summers off to really get serious.  anyhoo i guess thats my story in a nutshell.

i really dont know why i wrote all of this but it gives you guys a better idea of who i am and where im at. I'm not totally ignorant to this sport, like i said i have been in the fishing world since diapers but just recently was sucked into the vortex of competitive bass fishing so i am a little wet behind the ears with certain aspects.  so bear with me.  this is a great board and i look forward to being a postive contributor and maybe eventually seeing you guys with that big bag.

Love em and Leave em'
I am haunted by waters.


Wayne Carpenters No Secrets: Lake St Clair Vol. 1 and 2.  These books will change the way you fish Lake St Clair without a doubt in my mind.  They have opened up so much more of the lake for me.  A must have for anyone who fishes the POND.

Joe Thomas Diary of a Bass Angler is a great book.? It gets into great detail about the life of a proffesional angler.? I highly recommend it.

Jimmy Houston Caught a Big'un and I let it go.? Not so much a fishing strategy book ( tho it does have a wealth of information and tips ) but a great read.? Entertaining from start to finish.?

Bob Izumi Big Bass Book.? Someone bought me this book years ago.? I just recently read it for the first time.? COvers about everything you need to know about greens and browns.

Kevin Van Dam has a really good book.? I dont remember what its called but i am leaning towards 'Bass Fishing Strategies'.? I bought this book from Kevin when i attended the BASS University about 8 years ago.? It full of tips from finding fish to tweaking lures.

Im not a big reader.? In fact, the only book i have read that was not fishing related was 'White Fang'.? And maybe a few Bearenstein Bears books when i was a tot.? But the books mentioned above are a couple of my favorites and have helped me develop my fishing abilities over the past few years.

PoorBoy himself :-\'


I am haunted by waters.


Joe Thomas' book was good (my wife took a few looks at it too...).

Kevin's Bass Strategies is a good book that reads like he fishes and we all know how he fishes!!! I haven't read Secrets of a Bass Champion yet.

Denny Brauer's original book - what the heck is it called - I think: Denny Brauer's Winning Tournament Tactics - like Denny - straightforward and no bull ("Hooksets are free!")

If you really like tons of tips, hard to beat Roland Martins 101 tips books - an old book, but more tips in there than most people can remember.

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


Many of the guys will probably disagree with this, but check out Mike Iaconelli's book - Fishing on the Edge.  It give an interesting view of the pro bass scene within the pages of his biography.  There are also sections throughout the book that give some basic tips about bass fishing in general.  I enjoyed it quite a bit even though he's taking some heat for his personality and his openess about the problems (as he sees them) in the bass industry.  Wayne's books are a must also.  Check them out at his booth this weekend at the Novi show.   
Tom  <><

More about me:


An Angler's Guide to Bass Patterns: Productive Methods, Places and Times By: Larry Larsen
Awesome book.. You wont be disappointed..


Of course, I agree with you guys on Wayne's books. I always say they are a fast read and I think I offend him. But I don't mean there's nothing to them.

It's just that you can pick up a whole lot more about getting better on St. Clair in those books - one concentrated place - than you can from a whole bunch of other books and articles. They are like fishing bibles of St. Clair. If you want to know a ton more about St. Clair than you might now - those two books will beat pretty much everything else put together.

That would put them at the top of the list - and there is a great deal that can be applied to smallies in other places too.

There's one other book that is kind of techie about bass that Jeff Bishop really liked that I haven't read yet (if only they made fishing books into talking books... maybe if Stephen King or Patricia Cornwell wrote them...?). I'll have to get the name of it from Jeff and post it. It would be a more general version (sort of) of what Wayne has done in his St. Clair books.

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


(I wonder if Stephen would be interested... maybe "Pet Bass Boat Semetary"... or "Flippin It"... or "The Girl who loved Joe Thomas"...hmmm?)

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


All the books mentioned are excellent.? I own just about all that were mentioned.? I am a big reader.? Spend a lot of time reading about bass fishing when I am not bass fishing.? No Bassfishing Library is complete without "Roland Martin's 101 Bass Catching Secrets".? I always seem to go back to this book when I want to tweek my skills.? Lots of great reads in this book.? Also Jimmy Houstons book is good as well as Jay Yelas' book and Bassmasters series on Best of Lures, Best of Bassmaster, and Bassmasters Best Tactics and Technics.? Especially Bassmasters Best Tactics and Technics.? These books really helped my fishing and aided me in becoming a more versatile fisherman.? Yes, I have my confident baits......but these books broadened my scope of confidence lures.? All excellent reads.

BD? ? ? ;D
If You Can't Fish With The Big Dogs.........Stay On The Dock!!!!!!

Dodge Ram Trucks

Fish For Free



My number one favorite read was Mike Iconnelli's book.  I read it in a day and a half, couldn't put it down!  I'll lend it to you if you wanrt to check it out.  No book will get you pumped to go fishing like that one.  I read it cover to cover every 6 months or less.

My next favorite is KVD's Bass Strategies, the older one, is a MUST read for the guy who is newer to the sport.  It will expand your thinking to things mere mortals never thought of before KVD.  Tackle tips, line selection, hook selection, rods, reels, how to organize it... basically everything a tourney guy needs to know but nobody ever talks about.  Example:  He will rig up three IDENTICAL rods with the SAME crankbait (yes the same diving depth too) and put three different line sizes on them.  That way with his 4-6' diving bait, he has one that will run at 3 feet, 4 feet and maybe 6 feet.  The guy is borderline genius!

Other than those, I think my next purchase is "No Secrets" after reading all these posts! ;D
Case Soft Plastics
Oxygenator Livewell Systems
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Stong Outdoors
Toyota Trucks


I will say the KVD books are a good read you pick up a lot of stuff.  I haven't gotten a chance to check out the Iaconelli book yet but it seems everyone is talking about it and most say it is a good read so that may have to go on my list.


I have to say KVD's Secrets of a Champion is a great read, and it is easy to read at any level I just picked up Wayne's books at the Ultimate fishing show and I finished them both in just a couple of days.

I have also found it helpful reading bassmaster mag. and other various bass fishing mags that you can find on most outdoor store book shelves.



I am starting to hear more about Stricker's new DVD.  I think I am going to get it.  Any critiques from the Forum???

BD     ;D
If You Can't Fish With The Big Dogs.........Stay On The Dock!!!!!!

Dodge Ram Trucks

Fish For Free


There was a bunch of talk about it under the general discussion board at the top in a couple threads - the overall vote seemed to be it was good and get it. Kim was glad to hear anglers were talking positive about it.

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


It was a very cool DVD.  He took a lot of time into getting all of that good footage.  I like the part where he follows the Smallie the he just cought out to deeper water where the rest of the school was all suspeneded. 


I've like all the pre-work stuff I saw at seminars last year. My favorite is that big ol' largemouth trying to show the puny smallie who's boss. Take this mr. smallie!

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


I have Kvd's Strategies book and have read it several times. 
Denny Brauers' book "winning tournament tactics" is more for tourney fisherman, but there's info for anybody also.

I also have several books from the BAss "Ultimate Bass Fishing Library". I have five of the set and each one is good.  Check out Amazon. com that's where I found them. 

Wayne's books St. Clair 1 and 2 are both worth the investmant even if you only fish Clair on rare occaisions.  You won't find more information on the pond anywhere.  The gas $ you'll save by knowing key spots and such will actually pay for the books. 

So much water.  So many lures.  So little time.

Member of  Downriver Bass Association 734.649.9390


If you want to check out some of these books cheap from Amazon, I have links on my affiliates page for some of the real popular ones.

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


Yeah Kim's Smallmouth Neighborhood, is a must have DVD, IMO.

That clip that someone was refering to, when he lets the one smallie go and it take him to a school of 50 fish, Well come to find out, that lake is just down the road from me.


He's fishes up in your neighborhood quite a bit.

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.

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