Michigan Bass Season Action Page
Note: Dan Kimmel’s views within this domain are not necessarily the official position of the organization unless specifically stated.

Information, Materials and Links for Michigan Bass Anglers Who Want More Bass Fishing
Updated 4/8/06
Informative: Kevin Elliott: DNR considering new bass regulations
Great article! Chris Horton: Spawn fishing a personal choice, not biological…
Great article! Bob Gwizdz: DNR just doesn’t get it…
This web page is specifically for bass anglers who want more bass fishing opportunity in Michigan. You’ll find information, materials and links on this page to help bass anglers or other interested persons who believe Michigan bass anglers should have more bass fishing opportunities. This page will be kept active for historical purposes and possible future needs.
Attention Bass Anglers!
Great News! The MDNR director Rebecca Humphries has signed our new Michigan bass season fisheries order during November. We will have a new catch-and-immediate-release bass season in 2006 starting in the entire Lower Peninsula on the last Saturday in April (same as pike and walleye inland). We did not get the longer season on the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes also opens the last Saturday in April in the Lower Peninsula.
The Upper Peninsula catch-and-immediate-release bass season starts on May 15 – again the same as pike and walleye. What’s really great is keep our existing opening days, Memorial weekend for most, and the third Saturday in June for the St. Clair system. The actual fisheries order is posted below.
As a nice bonus, it is now legal to drop shot in Michigan on most waters (not on inland streams and rivers, or west side drowned river mouths). For complete details, check the Conservation/Legislation board here.
Additional information can be found by clicking on the Bass Biology & Management logo above and at the following web sites:
Bass Biology & Management Forum
FO-215.06 ORDER
(Under the authority of Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended)
Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Walleye,
Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, and Yellow Perch
Under the authority of sections 41101 through 41105 of Act 451 of the Public Acts of 1994, as amended, being sections 324.41101 through 324.41105 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, the Director of the Department of Natural Resources on November 3, 2005 ordered that for a period of five years the statewide size limits, possession limits and seasons on all state waters shall be as listed below, except as otherwise ordered:
STATEWIDE SEASONS (except as otherwise provided) – A person shall not take, catch, or kill or attempt to take, catch or kill any of the fish of the species named below except during the open seasons specified below:
Size and possession limits left out.
- Largemouth bass and smallmouth bass
- Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River, Detroit River: From the last Sat. in April to the Fri. before the 3rd Sat. in June, catch and immediate release fishing is permitted. All bass caught during this period must be immediately returned to the water. The open possession season is 3rd Sat. in June to December 31;
- On Lake Michigan, within one-half mile of the following islands of the Beaver Island Archipelago, Beaver, Garden, High and Hog, Charlevoix County: The open season is July 1 to December 31. Catch and immediate release fishing is not permitted on these waters prior to the open season;
- All other waters: From the last Sat. in April to the Fri. before Memorial Day on all waters in the Lower Peninsula (including Lower Peninsula Great Lakes waters), and from May 15 to the Fri. before Memorial Day on all waters in the Upper Peninsula (including Upper Peninsula Great Lakes waters), catch and immediate release fishing is permitted. Bass caught during this period must be immediately returned to the water. The open possession season is Sat. before Memorial Day to December 31.
Seasons on the other fish left out.
This order is assigned FO-215.06 and is titled “Statewide Coolwater Regulations for Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Walleye, Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, and Yellow Perch”.
This order supersedes the order entitled “Statewide Coolwater Regulations for Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Northern Pike, Walleye, Muskellunge, Channel Catfish, Flathead Catfish, and Yellow Perch” effective April 1, 2004, and assigned number FO-215-04.
This order rescinds the order entitled “Southern Michigan Catch and Release Bass Fishing” effective April 1, 2004, and assigned number FO-238.04.
This order shall take effect on April 1, 2006, and shall remain effective through March 31, 2011.
Issued on the 3rd day of November 2005.
Rebecca A. Humphries
DirectorThe Natural Resources Commission has reviewed this order.
(signed) (signed)
Keith J. Charters Teresa Gloden
Chairperson Executive Secretary
Information, Materials & Links
Timeline of the Bass Season Process
The basic summary of how it went
- April 2004 – MDNR releases their bass season report developed with no bass angler involvement and little knowledge of our bass populations.
- August 2004 – MDNR held 24 public meetings around the state for angler input – dates and locations available here.
- February 2005 – the MDNR conducts random polls of 1,000s of anglers who bought licenses in 2004.
- Unless Scenario 3 is chosen (no change), most bass season changes will require legislation.
- Bass season recommendation sent to Coolwater External Committee for approval.
- Bass season recommendation sent to the Natural Resources Commission for review –September 2005.
- Bass season recommendation sent to the Natural Resources Commission for public comment, action/approval – October2005.
- Bass season change approved as new fisheries order by Natural Resources Commission – November 2005
- The MDNR Director signs the new Fisheries Order November 2005 for the 2006 bass season.
- Spring 2006 – bass anglers can legally bass fish – catch and immediate release – last Saturday in April for Lower Peninsula.
News, Articles and Announcements
Including bass season meetings
Aug 7, 2005 Booth News/Mlive.com Gwizdz thinks survey results will help MDNR get it
July 2005 MI Bass Season Survey MDNR survey results are in, read PDF at this link
May 2005 New York Season PDF Early opening of bass in New York…”
May 2005 Oakland Lakefront Kevin Elliott – DNR considering new bass regs…”
July 2004 BASS TIMES Chris Horton: Spawn-fishing a personal choice not biological…
May 2004 Booth News Bob Gwizdz – DNR just doesn’t get it…
History Brief History of the process My original explanation of the issue (no cartoon)
Petitions, Handouts, Sample letters
Public Meetings Report – what the MDNR presented & some of the points made
Scenario 8 – presented to the MDNR on 8/10/04 by the MBCF & supported by us
Tournament Results Card tournament results needed – downloadable MS Word document
Did You Know? – a handout for the MDNR public meetings & general information
Related Links
Find Your State Representative
Michigan Legislature – Bills in action
Michigan Dept of Natural Resources Contacts
Michigan BASS Chapter Federation
Bass Biology & Management Forum
Michigan United Conservation Clubs