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2025-02-09, 14:35:57
Stop by booth 5767 near the west end of the Suburban Collection Showplace to keep me company at Outdoorama February 20-23.


2025-01-23, 15:12:26
Next up - Outdoorama in Novi February 20-23, 2025! See you there!


2025-01-08, 18:51:17
I might be at a seminar for a bit but I'll be around.


2025-01-08, 18:50:52
Okay - great! Looking forward to seeing you!


2025-01-08, 14:02:02
I will see you tomorrow Dan ...


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February 17, 2025, 06:02:29 PM

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Fri, 07 Feb 2025 20:06:06 +0000
If you enjoy your time in the outdoors hunting, fishing, boating, camping etc., Suburban Collection Showplace is the place for you Feb. 20-23 when the 52nd Annual Outdoorama returns to town. Traditional favorites including Big Buck Night, Boats, The Trout Pond, a star-studded Seminar Lineup and more await patrons at southeast Michigan’s oldest outdoors show.
Fri, 20 Dec 2024 21:45:52 +0000
Hundreds of New Fishing Boats, the largest Ice Fishing Display in the state, and a Star-Studded Lineup of Seminars by some of the best anglers in the world combine to make the 42nd annual Ultimate Fishing Show–Detroit the largest and best Pure Fishing Show in the country.
Fri, 25 Oct 2024 18:24:49 +0000
Ready or not, they're coming! The 2025 Ultimate Sport Show Tour is on the calendar and steadily approaching with the 3 best outdoor shows before the season really gets going!
Tue, 07 May 2024 13:00:10 +0000
The Michigan DNR is conducting an acoustic tagging study on Lake St. Clair Smallmouth Bass to better understand their distribution through the lake and habitat use.
Mon, 26 Feb 2024 19:28:28 +0000
The 79th Annual Ultimate Sport Show - Grand Rapids is March 7 - March 10, 2024 at DeVos Place. Over 4 acres of fishing and hunting gear, outdoor travel, fishing boats and seminars!


This is how my practice went on the Grand River...

Started by bshaner, July 24, 2007, 10:47:05 AM

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I won't be fishing the Grand the rest of the season, so there's no reason I shouldn't throw you some info. My partner and I won a 40 boat tourney this past weekend with 13.7 lbs. It was a classic bluebird day and the bite was tough. We got somewhat lucky in that a couple boats were on our starting spot in Spring so we 'just went fishing' and bumped into some decent fish. A friend that beat us to that starting spot ended in the middle of the pack with 3 fish so it was a blessing in disguise. VERY few good weeds in Spring, but when you find some with reasonably close access to deeper water, fish it hard and slow with your favorite soft plastics. That's what worked for us. We couldn't catch more than a dink or two from under a dock that day, though Eric is right - sometimes that's a good pattern. (Hey Eric! Yes, I'm still alive!) We checked a main lake wind-blown point on the way out but couldn't get bit.

I know there were some fish caught around the Stearns Bayou bridge, but nothing great. I also heard of a couple fish caught on docks where Dermo Bayou/Indian Channel empty into the river. Fishing the channel is an all-or-nothing thing most of the time. I know at least a couple competitors fished the channel but didn't do much. On the contrary, I heard the Muskegon channel was 'on' that day (we can't run in our club) and the winners of the BBT tournament came from there. So who knows.... Running up the river too far is not advised with the low water. Once you get past the gravel pits (where the dredging stops) there are areas where the deepest water is 1 1/2' deep!

Hope it helps you guys in some way. If any of ya know much about Hamlin Lake this time of year, I'd love to hear from you. I will be there next weekend and need all the help I can get!
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