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Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:46:34 +0000
This is resource page for aquatic invasive plants (weeds) including information on identifying them, and how you can help if you choose to. In Michigan, Starry Stonewort is becoming a real issue with over 120 lakes at least infested with it.


TBF Member Benefits?

Started by MBell, April 09, 2009, 10:48:56 AM

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I have a few guys I am trying to get to join my club.  Problem is they are not tournament fisherman and just want to know what they get for their $40.  Where does it go?  What does it support locally? 
Thanks, Matt



I understand the concerns I have asked the same question myself,  I would love to say some great answer here but without doing some research I would be just you and that is not going to get us anywhere.  I can tell you that it does cost money for the everyday expense of runing the organization.  Monies also should and will be going to the youth and Conservation in some aspect along with purchaseing items to wean from the BFL.  I can say that the Youth side of the TBF is growing at a rapid pace which is great.  Brian Belevender is doing a great job along with all helping the youth organization. 
      We just had Nick Ryan get onboard for the Conservation side of the TBF, Nick has a degree in fisheries and wildlife from MSU and he is already looking into how to apply for State and federal grants.  Josh Kolozki wow that is wrong will be Nicks right hand man he is in the same program currently at the University of Toledo.  Any help anyone can offer for the Consevation side will be taken with open arms.  We have talked about doing One or Two projects this year.  Nick is contacting the DNR in the upcoming future for ideas but if you or anyone has something they would like to see done please email me and we can look into it.  Just remember funding for these things will hopefully come from Grants.  If the grants fall through we will still be doing a project just at a less expensive level.
     I believe that the TBF is a great organiztion and I believe the people of Mi. will support it because if we all stop and think about it this is really what we all believe in.  Who does not care about kids and the earth those kids will be left with.

Excuse the spelling I was on a roll..

Jeff Cox


Thanks Jeff, I will pass on this post to them.


From the Michigan TBF website...

Benefits of TBF of Michigan Membership:

$1 million in limited liability insurance for your club.
$25,000 excess medical coverage!
Special product discounts from many of our sponsors, including;
    -  Lowrance electronics
    - AFT Products (Cul-M-Rite, ProPak, etc.)
    -  Fish Hedz
    - C.A.S.T. Wireless Lanyards
    -  PRO-Tournament Scales
    ... and more
A chance to advance through competition to fish in four major bass tournaments;
    - Forest L. Wood Cup (1 pro angler, 1 co-angler)
    - Federation National Championship
    -  BFL All-American (6 boaters, 6 co-anglers) 
    -  BassFan Army Weekend Warrior Championship (6 boaters, 6 co-anglers)
"Living the Dream" contract for the winner of the Federation Championship.
Fully-paid entry fees into the six (6) qualifying FLW Tour events held during that calendar year, or fully-paid entry fees into the five (5) qualifying FLW Series events held during that calendar year.
The use of a wrapped "Living the Dream" branded Ranger boat powered by an engine of FLW's choice.
The use of a wrapped, "Living the Dream" branded vehicle chosen by FLW

You can get more info at the TBF website.


I am familiar with all of these benefits, but they are all for tournament fisherman.  If you don't fish tournaments none of these really benefit you.  Jeff's post above is the first thing I've read that I may be able to use to recruit non-tournament fisherman to the tbf.  Just having youth and conservation in our bylaws is not enough to get $40 from someone.


Quote from: MBell on April 30, 2009, 10:46:24 AM
I am familiar with all of these benefits, but they are all for tournament fisherman.  If you don't fish tournaments none of these really benefit you.  Jeff's post above is the first thing I've read that I may be able to use to recruit non-tournament fisherman to the tbf.  Just having youth and conservation in our bylaws is not enough to get $40 from someone.

The product discount is to all members, not just tournament fisherman.  And I'm glad that you found valuable info in a previous response.  Good luck in your recruiting.



I am throwing in the olive leaf to Nick and Jeff pertaining to the Conservation side of the TBF efforts. I would like to try to use our group and the DNR to work with the DEQ to regulate, create roadblocks for weed programs to obtain spray permits or reduce the weed kill programs in MI.

I believe the destoying of underwater habit under the guise of "stopping the spread of Eurasian Milfoil" as a low cost but highly efficient complete weed removal in local lakes is wrong.

Im sick of hearing lake after lake, come the spring thaw, where there are thousands of dead fish because of the late weed spray, and by fall the fish arent fat because the bait fish are scarce and the predators are skinny.

It has to be changed I dont care what the economic conditions are today. Therein - to answer the question, the non tournament benefits of the TBF would be to create opportunities for individuals to participate in MI Conservation efforts in matters that matter most to Michigan................ say that 5 times ??


Thanks Dan for bringing year round Catch and Release to Michigan


     I love the fact that you are so willing to go after what you believe is wrong.  I have talked to the MDNR in the last weeks and this subject came up.  They are in a position that they can not do much at this time,  The MDNR in the last month decided to not sign off on a spray at a local lake that the housing society of the lake sent in.  The permit was still given for the weed spary this year by the DEQ they informed the MDNR that the was no reason for them not to allow for the spray.  The MDNR are having just as much trouble stoping the spary even at metropark lakes because this is what most people want.  Weeds choke out lakes that are used for many outdoor sports, us as fisherman mostly do not like the weed kill because it makes fishing tough.  Just make sure before you yell to loud you are sure what you are yelling because I promise you the people that you are yelling at know the facts;  not beliefs. 

     I have a meeting with a MDNR representative Thursday were they are going to let us know where they can really use our help this year, if you are intrested in helping the TBF with the MDNR needs this year that is great.  If the oppurtunity shows itself to look into the weed kill more closely then maybe we can get a group effort with other conservation organizations to look at them.  Just remember as I have said before to go after large housing develpoments is not cheap.


in the ARCHERY ROOM upstairs.
Please be early to start on time and bring a friend. THANKS!

Michigan has won the divisional for two straight years, help us make it three!

            HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!

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