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Bass Fishing Wannabes'

Started by dmills4124, December 08, 2007, 11:52:41 AM

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  My wife and I have been communicating with Dan for a couple of months and he thinks we should post our concerns on this forum. Last May 2007 we bought a bass boat and all the fishing gear we could fit on it. Now we had what it took to catch bass but not the knowledge of the skills or techniques to catch any. We tried all summer to find an experienced anglers with the time and desire to help us start catching. kim is 52 and I'm 55. Not kids by a long shot. We went to a club tournament with 200 two angler boat entrants. We had never been to one before and wanted see what went on and if we could find a mentor. Not only could we not find any one to talk to us but the club officers wouldnt even talk about how to join their organization. Here it is December and still no help. Let me add we put up a poster in gander mountain, kames and Vic's marine with a picture of the boat and a request for a bass fishing tutor. No takers. Every magazine talks about introducing new anglers to fishing. Not in akron/canton ohio. All these bass fishermen here are afraid someone else may be better than them or copy what they are doing, like they are the only ones doing it the way they are. anyone interested in getting in touch with us can leave a post here or we will send our email / phone number later. By the way both of us are members of 3 woodworking clubs and when new people want to learn we are all more than happy to teach them. If they do have more talent and skill than us good for them. Not the same with bass fishermen.
Thanks for reading
don and kim

Durand Dan

It's too bad your running into those kind of hurdles. If you lived in Mid Michigan I would be happy to help. I'm always looking for someone to fish with. Even better is the chance to get somone involved in Bass fishing. Any time you might be planning a trip to this area PM me and maybe we can get together.



Even if it is a long trip you might want to try some our EBA Events:
I joined the EBA to learn and get some experience on the water and it has been great.

Or maybe there is a club like this in your area? I don't know how you would find them.
It looks like this one is close to you:
Might be worth asking them, I don't know?
- Chris


Don and Kim,

Not to excuse it, but you'll find this to a degree across the wide spectrum of bass fishing.  In part it's due to the competition aspects that have become the focus of the sport.  Clubs can be hit or miss. 

When I first became really serious about bass fishing, I lived in the Chicago metro area.   Tournaments are won on the local waters with 2-3 keepers pretty regularly and there were many fishless days on the water which made me question what I was doing.   I joined a local club there and was sorely disappointed in what I got back from it.  There are some really great clubs like the Eastside Bass Anglers club here in MI that are focused on learning and growing as anglers rather than the competition aspect.  In my experience, though, these kinds of clubs are few and far between.

If you don't mind not using your boat and having each of you fish with different anglers, some of the best lessons to be had can come from fishing the back deck of a BFL, Stren, or FLW event as a co-angler.   Bassmaster events are good too, but I've found them to be less collaborative and family friendly than the tourneys FLW puts on. 

Another option is to hire a guide once or twice a year on a new body of water - for both fun on new water and to just go out and whack 'em- and then, for your trips around home, pick one lake or river (preferrably one with good fishing) and fish it exclusively for a year.  Learn it inside and out.  Take the time to discover what the bass in this lake are doing at different times under different conditions.  It's amazing how, once you settle yourself down and get over the fun of running all over the place in your boat trying to find bass, you can really start getting down to the business of catching bass.

You will learn so much about the basics of catching bass, and more importantly confidence in what you are doing by just settling down and committing yourself to a body of water than you ever will by having to start fresh with new water and new conditions every weekend.  You'll also find that you spend more time on the water this way and that, in itself is invaluable. 

Forget that you have a nice boat or a ton of gear and just go fishing and enjoy the time together on the boat.   Don't be afraid to do things like troll or even use live bait -especially when the conditions are adverse. 

Every fish, regardless of how it is caught, provides another lesson in making you a better bass angler.  You can even pick a technique that you would both like to master and spend the summer with it - learning from each other in the knowledge you accumulate.   By the end of a year, you will have a ton of confidence in your ability to catch fish that way and each other if you plan to fish tournaments together in the future.

I'm sorry that your first year has been disappointing, but don't allow yourselves to give up or get frustrated.    There's too much fun to be had, lessons to be learned and fish to be caught for that!  :)


Sorry to hear about all that. The link at the top is to the Ohio Bass Chapter Federation region 3. It list all the clubs that might be in your area. I am president of Findlay Area Bass Association, also a member of OBF, but in region 2. Clubs here in Ohio are pretty much competitive because of the fact we have to qualify through club tournaments to reach the state level tournaments. However, I've been involved in the OBF for a number of years and my experience has been that those guy's will help you learn different things that has helped them. But as Slipkey mentioned, just spending time on the water fishing has always been the thing to do. You have some good bass lake over there also. Berlin, Portage Chain, Mosquito just to name a few. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you out, I'll be more than happy.



One thing I forgot to mention, If you do decide to contact a club, they may let you fish as guests without having to join the club. Of course you will be fishing from one members boat and your wife from another, but that will give you a good idea of how they do it. By the way, where did you buy your boat at, if you don't mind me asking? Also, you mentioned attending a bass tournament, do you remember what one it was?


If you ever find yourself in West Michigan (the Grand Rapids area) please let me know.  There are several lakes here that are great lakes to learn bass fishing on... and I'd be happy to "show you the ropes" of that's what you are looking for.

As self proclaimed "beginners" I would choose a couple methods to "master" to start with.  What ones you might ask?  Well... spinnerbaits would be one.  Shakey head worming would be another.  These are vastly different methods that will produce fish.  One might produce fish one day but not the next... but there will probably not be a day where neither would work.  And do yourself a favor... fish a Yamamoto Senko.  This is THE best bait for beginners... my partners 2 year old son routinly catches fish on senkos... and if he can do it...   ;D  Whacky style would be the place to start with these.  Do an internet search on any of these methods and you will find all kinds of reading material.

Again, if you ever find yourself near here, please let me know.

West Michigan Bass Anglers
Addicted to fishing.  All the time, any species, anywhere!!  Especially in West Michigan!!!

joshimoto son

Don and Kim,
I would be more than happy to help you two out.

I've only been tournament fishing for six years now and have been fairly successful in recent years, but I have been fishing and hunting ever since I can remember.

I have only been successful because I was fortunate enough to have a couple of mentors to help guide me along the way.

I do live in southern Michigan and actually getting together with you folks in Ohio may be difficult, but what I am willing to offer is an "on-line" course.

Let's pick a lake and look at the map. I'll pick out some areas based on my fishing experience and tell you why I think they will produce.
We'll look at the weather and take note of it before during and after.

We will take all things into consideration and I will tell you what I think will produce. Of course I will ask you to do some homework as well.

We'll lay out a "syllabus" if you will and turn you loose.

You can then tell me what worked and what didn't and together try to find out why.

Hopefully, we'll get a chance to get together and go fishing once or twice.

I think this would be a lot of fun, and in the mean time, hopefully teach some others who might be interested as well.

joshimoto son ;D


I am sorry to hear about your dissappointments.  It sounds like you may have jumped into a super competitive club right off the bat.
There are a ton of "less competitive" clubs out there, you just may have to do some shopping to find one in your area that will meet your needs. 
Josh son has given you a great opportunity.  Part of the fun of Fishing is hitting the maps and being able to locate probable productive areas before you even hit the water..(or at least eliminating some water).  Take some time, read, Study, and watch everything you can on bass fishing.  Bass Fishing reminds me of matter how good you are there is always room for improvement and a ton to learn.  Bass Fishing is a challenge For a lifetime..Just make it fun.


Dear Don and Kim,

Sorry to hear about your bad first taste of tournament fishing.  Let me suggest taking a look at the Ohio Division of the Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail, I know the Director personally and he (Bill C.) is a great guy, and he would be glad to point you in the right direction and put you in touch with teams who would be willing to help you out.  Plus they have a Friday night pre-tournament meeting where teams get together and share fishing stories and info, and Male/Female teams are not only encouraged, but the get a few bonus perks.  Check out the website at , and go to find division in your state area.  God bless.

John Carter


I would not sugest jumping right into tournement fishing. You would be donating your money at this point. I would sugest joining a local bass club. I have been a club member for a long time and there is no better source of information. We draw partners for each of our tournements, so you fish with someone different each time. You learn different styles and techniques from different people. There is always the possibility to moving one to the state level also. Last year I was fortunate enough to make the Indiana State Federation Nation team and moved on to the Northern Division Championship. It was an awsome experiance!


Quote from: Slipkey on December 08, 2007, 02:55:24 PM

If you don't mind not using your boat and having each of you fish with different anglers, some of the best lessons to be had can come from fishing the back deck of a BFL, Stren, or FLW event as a co-angler.   Bassmaster events are good too, but I've found them to be less collaborative and family friendly than the tourneys FLW puts on. 

I agree that this is a great way for you to get some time on the water with some experienced guys.  I love the BFL's, they are really a great format.  You get to meet some awesome people and even on a tough day you can learn something.  As a boater, I have drawn very experienced guys and I have drawn a couple of guys that were fishing their very first tournament ever.  Some boaters are more willing to help than others, but almost all of them will be willing to explain what they are doing and why.

The Michigan Div of the BFL has a stop on Sandusky bay this year, not too far from you.  Might be a cool thing for you to check out.

I am not sure what inland water you have, but you are close to the best smallmouth fishery in the world.  Lake Erie is amazing - but it does take time to learn how to fish it.  You also need some experience driving a bass boat on the big water - so be careful until you get some seat time.  Try to pick nice days, or go with an experienced boater out there. 

One of the guys mentioned the EBA - it really is cool.  I fished a few of their events this year and it is a unique format.  Truely a non-competitive club, where the primary objective is learning and making sure everyone catches fish (or at least learns something).  It would be worth the drive (3 hrs??).

Don't get discouraged.  The big team tournaments are hard places to learn.  Guys are focused on the event and usually dock-talk is not too reliable.  I prefer the larger events (150+ boats) but they are not really the place for learning a lot.



Josh, what a great idea.  An on line syllabus.

I live near Ann Arbor, and two really nice chains of lakes.  Half Moon, and Portage.  There is even a campground on the Half Moon chain if you're so inclined.
Should you find yourself up here, give me a holler and we'll get together. 
I'm not the experienced fisherman that a lot of our board members are, but I do ok.  I'd be more than happy to help get you started. 
I am a High School teacher, and I have my summers off.  I'm always looking for somebody to fish with.
So much water.  So many lures.  So little time.

Member of  Downriver Bass Association 734.649.9390


Don and Kim,

First let me tell you that it breaks my heart to hear a story like this.  I wish you lived closer to us,  we just started a club last summer that would fit you both,  we have mostly husband and wife teams and we don't fish for huge money,  but for learning and helping one another.  The first year was a huge success and I know it will only get better.  However,  your not here so I know that isn't an option.  Wish we could find more people like the two of you here in our area to join.

But your going the right direction by joining this forum.  You will find a wealth of information to help you here.  Everyone on this forum has got so much information and are really good about sharing.

And let me tell you if can work something out with Josh you will be amazed!!  He is a little modest at times,  he knows a great deal and is a wonderful teacher,  patient too (never even threatened to throw me out of the boat when I had a temper tantrum!) 

When I first started fishing my hubby taught me to use the spinner bait,  in fact that is all I threw for a long time, most of the summer, when I finally said ok I think I have this all figured out,  now teach me to fish a worm.  On and on it went.  We also fished a club downstate,  we both stuggled that first year,  we asked a very wise man Jim Rice Sr.  what we were doing wrong and why couldn't we catch fish down here like up north.  He told to us to fish with other people in the club and you will learn.  You know he was right.  I was terrified of fishing with some one other than my husband,  however,  I met some of the greatest people in the world and have some wonderful friends because of doing that.  I also learned alot,  in fact I even beat my husband a time or two.  But even he improved and I thought he was a good fisherman.  You can never stop learning. 

By the way Josh is one of those guys that I fished with,  and I am thankful everyday for the learning experiences I have had with him and others,  but even more for the great friendships we have been blessed with.

Also enjoy each other,  I cherish the time I have on the boat with my husband.  The catching will happen,  just don't give up.

I wish you the best.

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.


Don and Kim have some challenges they are dealing with so they may not get back real soon to read this. Nice people so I GREATLY appreciate all this wonderful feedback from all of you.

I hope this will give them the start they are looking for. Thanks everyone!!

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


Kim and Don,

You have just had the most harshest introduction to bass fishing that I have ever heard.  This has been my problem with the sport. 

When B.A.S.S. was first formed, it was to teach and share experiences, techniques, and knowledge.  Unfortunately, you have experienced the selfish side of the sport.  When I joined B.A.S.S. about 20 years ago, that is what it was all about.....sharing experiences, techniques, and knowledge with others.  Now you can't get anyone to talk about what they do and how they do it.

When I first met Dan Kimmel about two or three years ago at the Novi Show, he told me that some of the people on this forum thought I was crazy for talking about spots, lures, and techniques I was using to put more fish in the boat.  I told Dan that evening that I was somewhat of a B.A.S.S. traditionalist as I believed in sharing my knowledge and experiences with others on this forum and with other Bass Anglers because the way Ray Scott set up the original organization.  As a result, I have probably made better fishermen out of some of the anglers on this site as well as improving myself and my skills.  Subscribe to B.A.S.S. and Bassin' Magazines as well as FLW Outdoors the Bass Edition and you will learn loads and loads of stuff.  Those publications have probably helped me the most with trying different techniques and lures out on the water.

I would like to help you out also and I think Josh is onto something with what I would call a cyber clinic.  Get some maps of the lakes you fish in your area and I am sure some of the people on this forum would help you to understand why they believe certain areas on your map would produce and why others wouldn't.  You can send me an email attachment of a topo map of a lake you fish and I could mark the map up for you and you could try the spots I pick out.  You could do this with other people on the forum too.  It would actually be fun because you could see similarities and differences and a number of opinions on particular waters you fish.  I would import the map into a photo editing program like Microsoft Photo Editor and mark the map up using that program.  I do that with maps I have for the waters I fish.   

I have always loved the challenge of going to a lake I have never fished before.  I would be even willing to take a road trip and come down to your neck of the woods for a weekend next summer and help you out.  At the same time, I would extend an invite to come up here to Michigan and go fishing with me.  Bring your boat.  You could follow me and my daughter or son around and fish with us.  I usually fish with my kids.  As a matter of fact in most cases I prefer to fish with them.  We could check out spots and I could help you put more in the boat.  PM me if you would like to take me up on this.  I would also have no problem jumping in the same boat with you guys and show you what I know from theories, ideas, and experiences.  Nothing more precious than "time on the water".

Maybe we could get Dan to have one of his annual DK Opens in Ohio.  I have yet to fish one due to my hectic schedule over the last two years but I hear they are loads of fun.  I am planning to make his St. Clair one in the spring.  I hope it falls on a day I can make it.  I have my own club tournaments I will be fishing this year as well as a number of opens.  Good luck and I hope to hear from you guys soon.  God Bless.

BD               ;D
If You Can't Fish With The Big Dogs.........Stay On The Dock!!!!!!

Dodge Ram Trucks

Fish For Free


Hi there and thank you from kim and I with all the great advise. I think that our life has smoothed out now and we are home with our trusty computer with its internet connection. We are now going to try to answer all and continue responding. Joshson (i think) has offered an online tutorial and we can't wait to get started. Give us a couple of days to figuire out how to work this message board. and that should do it.
don and kim m

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