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2025-01-08, 18:51:17
I might be at a seminar for a bit but I'll be around.


2025-01-08, 18:50:52
Okay - great! Looking forward to seeing you!


2025-01-08, 14:02:02
I will see you tomorrow Dan ...


2025-01-05, 16:31:13
Visit Booth 3054 to say hey when you get to the Ultimate Fishing Show this week!


2024-10-25, 13:45:23
The Ultimate Sport Show Tour kicks off in Novi at the January 9-12 Ultimate Fishing Show Detroit. See you there!


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Hundreds of New Fishing Boats, the largest Ice Fishing Display in the state, and a Star-Studded Lineup of Seminars by some of the best anglers in the world combine to make the 42nd annual Ultimate Fishing Show–Detroit the largest and best Pure Fishing Show in the country.
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Ready or not, they're coming! The 2025 Ultimate Sport Show Tour is on the calendar and steadily approaching with the 3 best outdoor shows before the season really gets going!
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Who Would You Choose to Fish With in the 'Fish with a Pro' Contest

Started by djkimmel, April 03, 2009, 01:24:08 PM

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Who Would You Choose in the Chevy Fish with a Pro Contest?

Luke Clausen
5 (10.6%)
Anthony Gagliardi
4 (8.5%)
Dion Hibdon
1 (2.1%)
Larry Nixon
21 (44.7%)
Kim Stricker
9 (19.1%)
Jay Yelas
7 (14.9%)

Total Members Voted: 46


Have you entered the new Chevy "Win a Trip to Fish with a Pro" Contest yet? Keep an eye on the advertisements popping up on the top half of the web site pages - 3 days and 2 nights including flight, hotel and fishing equipment for 2 persons to fish with a Chevy pro in Pittsburgh at the 2009 FLW Cup August 1st to August 3rd.

I don't think you get to choose who you want to fish with if you win the contest, but I'm not sure yet how that will play out. You find out if you win around June 4th.

Thought it would be fun though to see who you would like to fish with most?!?

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.

Durand Dan

I choose Dion. I was actually paired up with him as a co-angler on the 2nd day of an Everstart Tourney on Champlain. However high winds forced the day to be canceled. Boy was I bummed!!


Wow, that's a really, really tough decision.  But, by the slightest of margins, I would have to go with Larry Nixon.


I also went with Nixon. I almost went with Clausen, but just couldn't pass up the legendary Nixon.


I had to choose Nixon.  I think he would be the most fun and informative of them all.  I attended a Bassmaster U a few years ago and he was part of it.  I really enjoyed listening to him talk and tell stories.  Given the chance, I would do it again in a minute.

Cyrus Ruel

West Michigan Bass

Xtreme Bass Tackle


Westside Garage


Make it a bandwagon, I'd have to say Nixon too.  The guy is astounding at finding fish; that's one of the reasons he was so deadly in the old "megabucks" format.  From what I've seen over the years, I think he'd be quite informative & entertaining.

I can still picture him clear as day in florida with an 8# hog jumping during a fight in the pads as he turns toward the camera and says "Oh my Lord!"

Although the ultimate for me would be a day with KVD.  He's a machine out there.  The In-fisherman article on how he practices was fascinating, I want to know more...


Quote from: Lightningboy on April 03, 2009, 08:27:21 PM

I can still picture him clear as day in florida with an 8# hog jumping during a fight in the pads as he turns toward the camera and says "Oh my Lord!"

That was the same image I had in my head!


I gotta go with my buddies: Jeff and Ken on this one.......NIXON



I went with Nixon also...I have fished with Stricker before(We were both ALOT younger then) that is the only reason I didn't pick him....Stricker would be a blast to fish with on LSC....

River Rat

There are several distinguished names but I have to pick the "local" and go w/ Kim.  I've got his Smallmouth Neighborhood Series (which I recomend) and he seems to just have fun while out on the water to go along w/ the knowledge.  A few years ago before a Stren Series I was next to him in the parking lot after loading and he talked w/ my wife and I for about a half hour just hangin' out and was not "distracted or bothered" in the least.
Dearborn, MI and Lake Wales, FL


Dion was in the hotel doom next to me in detroit a few years back. He has rather "self centered" I thought. Was not impressed by him. I was impressed by Karen Savik though. I talked to her in the parking lot for quite a while...


Thanks to the popularity of because of all of you, I was able to get a direct entry link updated into this thread for your convenience. I think this is a pretty cool contest for any bass angler.

Hope you all entered. It would be cool to see one of you win this!!

Very interesting to see Larry Nixon is kicking butt :o !!

Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


I entered.
I picked Stricker, supporting our local guys.
Terry Bone
Bass Anglers of Michigan
The Bass Boys - TBF Club
2013 Ranger z520c w/ Evinrude ETEC 250


Im with you on that one Stricker all the way. I would only hope he had his under water camera and dive gear with him. Hook and look is one of my fav shows.


 ;D ;D

I think Id take Jay or Luke on a high land impoundment or a Southern Lake. Think it would just reel my brain with all the junk they throw and their techiques and detail - I would come off the boat like spongebob knowledge pants and a sore jaw from all the questions Id have all day !!!  :o
Thanks Dan for bringing year round Catch and Release to Michigan


Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.


I Know he is not on the list but I would love a day on the lake with mike Ike .That guys seem like he would be a riot to fish with. He get all kinds of crazy on the boat yelling a screaming trowing rods and what not. I think it would be a blast as long as I didn't get hit in one of his hissy fit's LOL
S.W.A.G. Jigs And Custom Paints.


If I had to pick one on the list. Kim Stricker would be my pick a day on LSC or the river throwing Coffee Tubes For Fat smallies It don't get much better.  ;D
S.W.A.G. Jigs And Custom Paints.


Help stop invasive spcies. Don't move fish between unconnected bodies of water. Clean, drain and dry your boat before launching on another water body.
Unless clearly stated as such, opinions expressed by Dan Kimmel on this forum are not the opinions or policies of The Bass Federation of Michigan.

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