Great Lakes Bass Fishing Forum

Bass Fishing Reports => Lake St Clair - St Clair River Bass Fishing Reports => Topic started by: djkimmel on August 07, 2010, 02:19:41 AM

Title: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 07, 2010, 02:19:41 AM
I teamed up with Derek Baetz to take two of my Godchildren (his kids) – Aaron and Haylee – to the big water for the first time in their lives. Always worry a little about how each child will react to that much water, tuna boat waves and possible strong wind effect.

To help out, we chose to head over later on a Sunday, two Sundays ago actually, and then by camping at Algonac State Park, we could fish Monday and Tuesday. The weather couldn’t have cooperated better if we had paid for it!!

Sunday was hot and mild, with moderate tuna boat traffic. And just enough freighters to make it exciting for Aaron and Haylee, who aren’t used to ships that big just sliding by.

Always some challenge and strategy in taking kids fishing. Especially when taking kids onto the likes of the Great Lakes in a couple bass boats. Particularly part of the Great Lakes known for a zillion pleasure boats from 10 feet to 50 feet long or more!

We checked into the state park first to get our sites for the stay. Then, we headed over to the North Channel launch a little after noon. Since we had half a day and it was the weekend yet, we started in the river. Anyone who fishes that current knows it can be challenging fishing for anyone, especially for kids who’ve never tried it before.

So I was really proud and happy when Aaron hooked into a 5+ toad smallie on a twin tail hula grub jig. Quite the way to start out your first fishing trip to the big water of the St. Clair River!!

Aaron was pretty happy too considering it’s the biggest smallmouth bass he’d ever caught. I was surprised to see it was blind in one eye since I usually catch all the blind bass. But if I can’t catch ‘em I’m sure glad my Godson Aaron did.

We didn’t catch very many bass Sunday afternoon but we had all day Monday to get on them better.

Started Monday morning near Russell’s Island since Derek and I both like to fish there. He had little Haylee in his boat and I took Aaron again. I wanted some excitement so I started with a big Super Spook. It wasn’t apparently what the bass wanted real bad.

Aaron hooked a nice bass and lost it after a couple minutes dragging a tube. I had a hit and miss. Then a big black smallie came up twice before mouthing my Spook. No hookup. Finally, a decent smallie slammed the Spook only to throw it on the 2nd jump. That’s when Aaron hooked his 2nd hog bronzeback! This time on an Xtreme Bass Tackle Muskegon Goby tube – his new favorite!

This one fought pretty hard. When we landed it, it was hooked really deep. By the time we were able to get the hook out, we forgot to get a picture of a nice 4 ½ pounder.

None of us got on much more than walleye and rock bass for a while so we headed out into a glass smooth lake for their first time. Aaron struggled in the challenging deep rocks fishing where we found our bass. I was lucky to finally get on a hot streak on Erie Goby tubes and pop a bunch in a hurry including this solid lake bass:

I should probably send pictures like this to the good ol’ boy from Georgia years back on Okeechobee who said, “You’re from Michigan? You better be careful because you probably ain’t used to big water!” ;D

The cool part was the 12 year old Haylee got into this fishing. “Daddy, I’m snagged.” “No honey, you’ve got a bass on!” This actually happened a couple times and she landed several more decent bass, but the first one was her biggest ever. She said it was too strong for her to hold by herself so Aaron helped out.

It was almost 19 inches long. She was happy. And she could jump in the lake to cool off whenever she wanted! Aaron was really struggling though but I’m happy to see if took it as a challenge even though you know patience is very hard for youngsters.

Back at the campground, after enjoying our dinner, we decided to get to bed early to get an earlier start Tuesday since we’d have to leave early afternoon. I took this picture over the state park of some very good evidence on why the big bass seemed to be biting:

After an awesome full moon, we woke up to another picture perfect weather day for the kids. Almost no breeze. Hot, but not terrible hot. The morning was very nice.

I was particularly proud when Aaron asked if we could go back out to the main lake area again considering how frustrating his struggles were the day before when Derek, Haylee and I all caught a decent number of bass and he wasn’t getting bit. I love to see someone attack a challenge head on!

First though, we decided to fish one river spot and Aaron didn’t have a problem with that since he caught his biggest smallie of his life there Sunday!! It was flat and the water had really cleared up. I could see better than I’d ever seen before in the river.

We weren’t there long when I told everyone that I could see 3 TOADS swimming right up to the bank!! I was trying to get Aaron on a monster up real shallow. I had switched to a drop shot with an small Erie Darter since the fish we saw were moving real slow and we had no hits on tubes, even from a 3 pounder I could see when we got there. I looked at my line and it was heading for deep water. Whoops! Time to set the hook!

Not one of the giants I could see, but it was a really good one over 4 ½ pounds! After I released that one, both boats moved around the area a little. Derek lost a smaller keeper, but the kids weren’t getting hooked up. At times I could see up the 3 big bass. Some were up shallow just hanging out, while others would swim out of the depths for few minutes and then swim back down.

While Aaron casted to a toad up shallow, I cast by drop shot down the break where I’d seen several come up and down. Same thing again. I’m watching Aaron and glance back at my line. Heading for deep water again. Set the hook. TOAD!!

This one fights really heard and I’m hollering at Aaron, “Cast behind my line! Cast behind my line!” Because the toad I have on is being followed by a GIANT!! The 2nd bass is longer and sticks out on both side of the hog smallie I have on.

Unfortunately, the bass are still acting lethargic and Aaron doesn’t get the bigger bass to bite. How big was it?!? Well, remember I said it dwarfed the one I had one and here’s the one I had on:

Yeah. GIANT! How cool would a double like that be!! Well, we stayed 15 or 20 more minutes, watching several other toads loitering, but the kids weren’t getting bit. So we brightened both their smiles by heading back out into the lake.

It was great too! Though the bass were coming much slower than on Monday, it was glass smooth and Aaron was now getting them to bit. Which made him (and me :) ) very happy. We all got into a handful of bass. And if you’ve been fortunate to fish there, you know how hard they fight.

Derek even finally got his own toad! A shorter, but very fat (this picture does not do it justice) 5 pounder putting us all on the trophy board. Yeah, Haylee’s wasn’t a 5 pounder, but for a 12 year old, a St. Clair smallie like hers is a trophy!

Here’s Derek’s football bass:

So everyone headed home wanting more. The kids had a great time, both saying, “Thanks Uncle Dan and Dad!” We didn’t catch a hundred bass, but it was enough to be exciting and the toads were biting! Aaron and Haylee both caught their biggest smallmouth bass. The weather was fantastic. Boat traffic was down. The kids got to watch a bunch of different freighters pass by, did a little swimming and whooped and hollered as we zipped around in our Ranger bass boats. Another great time on the Great Lakes!
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: Firefighter Jeff on August 07, 2010, 10:48:44 AM
Sure looks like the fishing and weather Gods were with you Dan  !!!! How awesome is it to run BIG water that looked like that??  Great report.  Big fish like that will make up for numbers anyday.  How deep were you fishing on the main lake??
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: VinceR on August 07, 2010, 08:07:36 PM
Hey, who's that guy in the last photo? I think I've seen him before, but can't be sure. :D

Great report, Dan. Looks like Aaron and Haylee had a couple of days that they will not soon forget. Good for you!
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 07, 2010, 08:32:16 PM
It was a wonderful trip really. Out in the lake we were fishing 15 or 16 feet deep. Challenging for youngster who've never done it before and both kids did very well.

Yes, the last picture is of a ghost! ;D
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 07, 2010, 08:49:07 PM
Now, we'll have to catch more big ones next time or catch a passel of them to make up for it!! Naw... there great kids. I love them both dearly.
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 08, 2010, 12:29:14 PM
I forgot to mention that I did lose about 2 pints of blood trying to get a decent picture of the full moon that night. Did not expect the mosquitoes would be that bad at Algonac. It was like being in the back country of Ontario in late May again!! Had a hard time setting the hook the next morning, but I managed since I did NOT want my Godson Aaron to call me Nancy!!
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: Mike S. on August 08, 2010, 08:31:42 PM
Nice, Dan.  I would have loved tocatch fish like those at that age....or now, for that matter.  I can't wait to get back over there at the end of September.
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: Mojo on August 08, 2010, 10:01:46 PM
just a dream of a weekend for the kids. Thanks for sharing Dan.
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 08, 2010, 11:41:13 PM
My pleasure since I get to relive the fun over and over. Isn't that what a lot of this is all about?!?
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: MadWags on August 09, 2010, 07:02:28 AM
Exceptional journalism. ;D
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 09, 2010, 12:37:57 PM
Thank you... but it's probably a good thing you aren't involved in the Pulitzer or Nobel!! ;D
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: Mini on August 09, 2010, 02:03:53 PM
Nice job Dan. Good to see Derek is doing well. Tell him I said hello!
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 09, 2010, 03:07:38 PM
I'll do that. He just told me this morning he got a chance to read this. He's never been much of an Internet person but I'll keep working on him slowly.
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: MadWags on August 09, 2010, 11:44:45 PM
Well Dan the pictures are nice too.
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 10, 2010, 12:51:57 AM
Well then... thanks!
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: VinceR on August 10, 2010, 08:43:37 AM
Quote from: djkimmel on August 09, 2010, 03:07:38 PM
I'll do that. He just told me this morning he got a chance to read this. He's never been much of an Internet person but I'll keep working on him slowly.

Okay, I don't know how much of this I can take.

First, there is actual photographic proof that he still exists, and fishes.

Then, you go on to say that he came here and READ this.

Will wonders ever cease?

Next, you'll be telling us that he's now a GLB member.
Title: Re: Took the kids to Lake St Clair and the St Clair River
Post by: djkimmel on August 10, 2010, 12:24:33 PM
I'm working on that! I will probably have to do that for him, but I expect it before the year is out!!! You know... anyone can change if given a few decades!!! ;D