Choose a Lake from the finalist choices for the 2006 DK Open
Option 1: Kent Lake, W Oakland County
votes: 11
Option 2: Lake Ovid, E Clinton County
votes: 6
Option 3: Lobdell Lake, S Genesee County
votes: 8
Option 4: Wixom Lake, S Gladwin County
votes: 15
Here are the finalist lakes for the 2006 DK Open based on a combination of votes, location, launches and fishing quality.
I didn't want to confuse the issue by leaving on lakes right next to each other. That will only dilute the results and I think less choices will make for an easier decision for everyone in the end.
Again, the highest votes may not get the nod because of unknown conflicts and permit availability if a permit is needed - I believe a necessity for all these lakes. I tried to consider the membership numbers and location. I'd love to give some of the West and NW members a realistic shot at participating. It may come down to moving the event around the state a little from year to year if membership growth and interest warrants in the future.
We'll let these polls go for a couple weeks before I hunker down to check for permits. Again, share an issues or potential conflicts you are aware of please. Thanks.
lobdell works for me - little farther drive than kent, but think lobdell would fit the bill for all from both sides of town.
wixom to far and don't know anything abt or where ovid is at.
Wixom lake is too far for me.
Ovid was cool last year, as I'd never been there before. I will this summer though, I liked it a lot.
I've caught one fish on Kent Lake, but that one is the closest to my house.
Lobdell, isn't too bad, but I've never figured out that one either.
I like Lobdell (6 mi to it) but I'm good for any.
I picked Wixom... it's a good lake.
If I am able to fish the open according to my schedule... you're more than welcome to meet up with me and ride up there.
Is this expected to be a GLB member only tourny?
Can just any dudes fish?
Team Format?
Quote from: fiker50 on April 17, 2006, 07:17:04 AM
Wixom lake is too far for me.
kent or lobdell are about as far as i would want to drive..
I voted for Lobdell because I know it better than the others, but any of the four would be ok with me. Maybe we could work out some carpooling to help minimize the cost of transportation.
It's tough with gas costs and the smattering of members all over the map.
The DK Open is limited to registered members only. This is a meet-and-greet (with some bragging rights) event.
Draw format last year so people could get to know everyone. I wasn't planning on changing that unless overwhelming requests come in to do so.
I want to be earlier out this year so I can have people signed up early and do a predraw to minimize boat hauling if we have more boaters than non-boaters. Pair up non-boaters first, and then boaters so they can flip or whatever they want for boats and only haul one to the event.
I voted for wixom cause I heard good things about it. It can support many boats and different methods of fishing from shallow to deep.
anyone wanting to ride up with me is more than welcome.
I'm going to vote for Kent for several reasons, Kent is close, ok that's really about it. Plus I suck on Wixom, and wayyyy to far, been there for 2 ABA events, caught a total 2 bass, and those were in the final 10 mins of 1 tourney. Nice pike you have there though, slayed those toothy critters. Lobdell, nothing like pulling a dozen or more of 13" out of the water ;D
If we do Wixom and anyone on the East side wants to ride up there with me, I can take 2 more guys for the ride with my partner and I. I plan on camping there if we go to Wixom because of the distance. So that means I'll go up a day or two prior to check out the lake.
I picked Wixom because I have fished there before, not my most favorite body of water. I will fish anywhere that is picked so it doesn't really matter to me. I don't have a clue where these other lakes are but Josh will clue me in I'm sure. I'm thinkin I'd better get my husbund signed up on here so he can fish this to wouldn't that just make him very unhappy if I went fishin and he couldn't....LOL.... ;D
Wixom is a lot of fun that time of year...but i know other lakes are good as well. Whatever is picked, it will probably be a good idea as suggested before to move around each year to give everyone a shot at attending one in their own "backyard". Couldn't make it last year, looking forward to it this year.
Ok Josh, if that's the lake we pick you're on.
I voted Kent Lake, for obvious reason.........but i really liked fishing Ovid last year and Wixom is a good one as well.
Never really had a ton of luck on Lobdell. Had one good finish up there in an ABA tournament in 05. Fished the Hawg Hunt out there last fall and only caught one fish, about 14".
Truthfully, i dont care where we end up fishing. I will fish anywhere ( except Lake Ponemah ) and i dont mind driving, or camping if its that far.
PoorBoy himself :-\'
Looks like Wixom is pulling away. I like Ovid because there is also a very nice campground there, but will go anywhere. It's looking more and more like it's gonna be Wixom though. Looking forward to it.
we dbl dippin' on lake choices? cause we got 20 votes for dates, but more on lake choices....just curious.
if so, i'll pick a 2nd choice. nothing against wixom, but sure seems like a 'home lake' to a few.
I guess more guys like lakes than dates...
No double dipping allowed - should only count anyone's vote one time based on username - not that it is high security.
Regardless of the lake that is chosen - availability for the date still has to come into play - I will be providing information on map availability, and some fishing locations and methods to any member that asks. This is for fun and I want everyone to catch some fish.
Hmmm. That explains why the 15 votes I put in for Ovid didn't count. :o
I didn't vote but will certainly be there assuming the date fits.
When you live on the west side you get used to this sort of thing when people vote..................that's meant as a joke....sort of. :)
Help me get more members over there and we'll look at having one at that side. The numbers are up, but still small. I like Ovid or Wixom for having something of a shot at getting some north and west members out.
Fair enough.
I don't want to start another circuit - plenty already - but probably having a spring event on one side and a fall event on the other each year might work out well.
I appreciate the help canvsbk!
Let's have one on Hamlin in the spring and do Wixom in the fall! I'm all for that one!! That would be fair wouldn't it? LOL ;)
Hmmm? Hamlin in the spring... could work. Now why would you suggest Hamlin right 'off the top of your head?' ;D
Yep, just right off the top of my head good central middle of the state on the west side it's perfect!!! Oh and it's only 20 minutes from my house so if anyone needs a place to camp I have room!! Oh and it's a great lake too.... :)
Wix-om! ;D Wix-om! ;D Wix-om! ;D
You can sign me up if the date fits, I'll be checking to see if it does. Guess I'll go "boater" and Blakstr1 can go "non" now that he sold his boat. We would have had to flip a coin before that....
Wixom will be great, really! There are all types of cover and structure to fish. Deep, shallow, weeds, river channels, docks, wood.... you name it, and it's there.
Wooohooooooooooooo! ;D