Great Lakes Bass Fishing Forum

Bass Fishing => Bass Fishing Tips, Techniques & General Discussion => Topic started by: djkimmel on May 31, 2018, 10:18:01 PM

Title: Not a lot of bass anglers in Mumbai
Post by: djkimmel on May 31, 2018, 10:18:01 PM
Nice sign up attempt today... from Mumbai (that's in India if you're geographically challenged). Reason for joining? 'finding a solution'

Yeah... like how to spread your spam links for some cheap, loser website that hires some Indians to spread human spam links all over the Internet. Odds are they aren't related to fishing either though even some low-brow, so-called fishing websites have hired these geniuses to 'boost their search engine ranking.'

HEY, cheap, loser website people!!! How about building a REAL website with REAL content REAL people actually WANT TO READ!!! Try that maybe. You might actually get ranked on the search engines BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!! Not because you hired a bunch of Indians who get paid maybe 50 cents an hour to spread worthless spam links all over the Internet. If I had more time I'd let them on just long enough to find out who the cheap, loser website is that hired these spammers... but I have better things to do and someone else (probably lots of someones) already reported this particular link spammer to the forum spammer blocking website.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled fishing forum.